Tuesday 18 February 2014

Question time!

It's question time, come on and grab your friends and we shall go into my mind...
Hello there Sluts and Whores! My name is Jessica and I will be answering some of your questions! :3

Xxx Lustica xxX asks: Who wants my account?
A: I dunno maybe Gandalf or he who shall not be named

Leaf frost asks: DO YOU LIKE MY BUTT?
A: I don't know what your ass looks like nor do I want to xD

Lil star on the moon asks: 1) Am I the fairest of the land. 2) What is your favourite Danisnotonfire video?
A: 1) Edward Cullen is the fairest of them all 2) Probably The Human interaction one xD

Chubby!!!! asks: Are you the boggy monster?
A: Maybe, maybe not... You will just have to find out yourself.. Come child O-O

LukeS! asks: Do you like waffles :3
A: Yes, yes I do. especially when topped with nutella XD

That is all the people who want to talk to me ;-;
There shall be more doe so stick around for some more mind adventuring! Byyye!

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