Thursday 27 February 2014

Shit XD

I think I'm going to get a bad report tonight at parents evening...In science
SO today I was in science and I was talking a lot, ALOT!
And I accidently knocked my pencils case on the floor and I literally shouted 'OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU' remembering I'm in class XD
THEN it came to near of the end of the lesson and my friend pushed a table by an accident and my teacher was walking past when she did XD I think it hit his balls but I busted out laughing at what he said..
He said silently 'Fuck' then he said loudly, 'Oow, OW! ' then I busted out laughing XD
SO I THINK, he's gonna report something bad tonight ;-;

Wednesday 26 February 2014

My Katniss Everdeen outfit

So next week for this national book week I have to dress up as a book character.
I'm going to go as Katniss Everdeen :O
This is what I am going to where :3

;D Is it any good? Please comment or message me saying if I need to add anything :3

Monday 24 February 2014

Ask Jess #2

So it's another ask Jessica ^0^
Let's just jump straight to it :3

Chazzycute asks: Masky or Toby?
A: Masky ^0^

Egg surprise asks: What does Egg + mega sparkly egg equal?
A: Urmh.. A unicorn? o.e

!!Maryne!!x asks: Do you like my bunny?

Jessie P x asks: Who is your favourite, Dan or Phil? Do you ship 'Phan'
A: OH SWEET MOTHER OF STEPHANO! I choose Phil ^-^ He is so adorable xD and I do ship phan o-o

Sunday 23 February 2014


Oh my Stephano you will never guess what happened over the weekend
I was at my mum's house over the weekend and last night I heard something
and by 'Something' I mean, I heard someone having sex .___.
I don't know if my mum and step-dad was watching a film, or the next-door neighbours where getting busy, but I heard it ;-;
I was just there on youtube like 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT NOISE!' ;-;

Friday 21 February 2014


I was nearly pissing myself laughing at this
I lost it at 'WOW' XD
If you have never heard of the 'Doge' internet joke you won't understand this

Wednesday 19 February 2014

I'm such an embarasment

So today I was out and about with my cousin in this 'Outside' place and I saw my 'old' friend in her car.
So me being me decided to make faces ta her and embarrass her xD
These are some of the faces I pulled

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Question time!

It's question time, come on and grab your friends and we shall go into my mind...
Hello there Sluts and Whores! My name is Jessica and I will be answering some of your questions! :3

Xxx Lustica xxX asks: Who wants my account?
A: I dunno maybe Gandalf or he who shall not be named

Leaf frost asks: DO YOU LIKE MY BUTT?
A: I don't know what your ass looks like nor do I want to xD

Lil star on the moon asks: 1) Am I the fairest of the land. 2) What is your favourite Danisnotonfire video?
A: 1) Edward Cullen is the fairest of them all 2) Probably The Human interaction one xD

Chubby!!!! asks: Are you the boggy monster?
A: Maybe, maybe not... You will just have to find out yourself.. Come child O-O

LukeS! asks: Do you like waffles :3
A: Yes, yes I do. especially when topped with nutella XD

That is all the people who want to talk to me ;-;
There shall be more doe so stick around for some more mind adventuring! Byyye!


Be jealous xD
There was a batman Lego statue at the cinemas!! xD LOOK AT IT!!

Monday 17 February 2014


Omg I got locked out of MSP for saying FAP xD

What i am going to attempt to draw

I am going to attempt to draw Jodie from Beyond two souls :O Probably gonna be hard but.. YOLO? Nope Jess just stop sayin' Yolo
That is the picture I am going to draw :3

Saturday 15 February 2014

Song that people said...

My friends say these songs remind them of me o-o

Tyler said-

Josie said-

John said- (This terrified me how it reminded him of me o-o)

Josh said- (I don't even know)

Josie said once again- (O-O)

Sophie (my cousin) said-

Hair dye

I'm dying my hair black xD AGAIN!

allergy test ^0^
I hate the smell of hair dye -.-

My new friend

I have a new friend, his name is Jack.
He is so adorable and sexy :D He is like my new best friend :3
Here is a picture of him.
He has no eyes, don't judge him

It's Jack :D Eyeless Jack
And there's me

Friday 14 February 2014

Thursday 13 February 2014

I think i broke my thumb

Oh hey

So today, I kind of broke my thumb... .___.
Yeah, BYE!

Wait, you was wondering how did I do this?
Well the story begins in technology.
Me, John, Malakia, Melissa and Sam was messing around and ruining my work.
John decided to bend my finger back and I screamed. Then he said "That is your sex noise.."
So we all started bending each others fingers back and laughing.
Malaika, oh Malakia took it way too far!

She bent my finger a bit, I didn't scream. SO she bent even further and then I heard a cracking / snapping noise..... I think she broke my thumb... ;-;

My valentines card

That's my valentines card for my best friend.
On the front it says:
 Dear best friend,
Please stay in my life forever because you're one of the best things to ever happen to me!
                                                            Love me xoxo
Rarw means I love you in dinosaur

Inside it says:
Dear dearest Josie,
When you cry, I cry
When you hurt, I hurt
When you fight, I fight
When you jump off a bridge...
I get a paddle and save your stupid ass
Because I love you!

Love Jess.. I mean Jeff

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Tuesday 11 February 2014

My song :P

My bff (JoJo :D) showed me this song and she said, this reminds me of you.. xD I was so flatterd! :P


Drawing :O

You like meh drawing?


Do you think I would able to draw Kalel?
I mean it would be hard but... YOLO! -.- Gawd dammit Jess really?
We have to bring in a picture of someone and draw them tomorrow and I think I
should do Kalel Cullen? ZOEY HELP!

Saturday 8 February 2014

True story

Its true.
I know. . . What is my life?

The fault in our stars trailer

Basically my emotions through out watching 'The Fault In Our Stars Trailer'


The part when she says 'I'm a time bomb'

At the end

THEN I get all sad and go to my room an cry xD

Cat's Summer outfit


I have been thinking alot recently about myself.
How I hate being mean to someone/something or hurting someone/something.
I just hate it if I say something and upset someone. I feel guilty and horrible and BLEH! D:
And if I hit someone and make them cry, I feel like I am he meanest person ever.
I'm a vegetarian, I don't like hurting animals.
When those RSPCA advert come on I start crying it's so sad ;-;
I am just basically a nice person I guess? I don't like hurting peoples feelings and I am always generous and caring towards others..  Hmmm


Crap, I just realised I have not been on my blog for a while xD
Anyway I have nothing to talk about.... Shit ummm this just got awkward
Let's just put a load of pictures of Jared Padalecki on here xD

So sexy...
And a wild Jensen Ackles appears