Friday 31 January 2014

M friend

I literally pissed my self laughing today.
My friend loves Lawson:
She is a girly girl and stuff. listens to pop music..
Now I showed her a picture of BvB and A7x and she screamed with disgust xD

She literally gasped and xD Gawd it was funny..

Cat as an Anime

Age: 17 or 19
personality- rebellious, cute, random.
Other- Dare devil

Just listen to it

You must listen to this song. Right now! Just to say not suitable for the young xD

Cat's eye colours mood meanings

So Cat has different eye colours when on a supernatural RP.
These are what they mean

Brown eyes- Normal eye colour
Blue eyes- Happy

Green eyes- Sad

Red eyes- Angry

Purple eyes- In love ♥

Black eyes- This means she is going to kill you xD

Yay so they was eye colours for her moods :3

Me and my Cat

My hair looks brown there xD My cat does not look amused either xD
I look weird ;-;


They are my real eyes xD I know they look horrible ;-;

Cat's eye contacts :3

Cat's eye contacts

Sunday 26 January 2014

Cinema problem

So yesterday I went to watch frozen. There was only me and my cousin at first then, JUST THEN 2 people walked in and sat in front of us.... -.- WHY! THERE WAS A WHOLE FUCKING CINEMA TO SIT IN BUT NOOOO THEY HAD TO SIT IN FRONT OF US! THEY WAS FUCKING TALL PEOPLE ASWELL AND I'M A MIDGET! Then a whole family walked in with screaming children and they sat right behind us.. Guess what, one of them put their fucking feet on my chair! So I just decided to sing as loud as I could to annoy them. I mean there was the whole cinema to sit in! D:

Back again!

So I am back from a stressful weekend.. BUT HELLO AGAIN!
I watched Frozen today!! It was awesome!

Friday 24 January 2014

Tyler is back!


YouTube RP

Cat's hair for you tube RP

The plan is in action

I have fucking placed the alarm clock! XD Oh my stephano this is going to be funny! XD

I am a evil little bastard

I am so fucking evil..
So I have set my alarm clock for 5:00am
My dad is going to shout my brother downstairs in a few mins.
In that time my brother is downstairs I have to hide my alarm clock somewhere in his room where he won't find it XD
Now tomorrow at 5:00 am the alarm clock will go off and my brother will not know where the clock is. That means the clock will be going off for a while.
My dad and I have planned this out very carefully :P
Sorry Kieron! XD

I am weird

So today my friend was in the geography class before me and I could see her through the window.. I started distracting her by making faces XD Like these:

In the end she got in trouble for laughing her head off. I mean imagine a person making faces like those at your classroom window? You would laugh too? XD

Cat's prom dress

Cat's outfit

Cat's outfit

Cat's Tattoos

Cat's tattoos


Cat-16 or 19
Looks LDShadowLady
Funny, sassy, strong, friendly, sometimes mean, crazy, video game addict.

Playing video games, playing her guitar


I forgot my coat and umbrella today. So when I was just walking home, it started to fucking rain.. I had ages to walk home so I am soaking wet... and cold as fuck

Thursday 23 January 2014



I am back!

Did you miss me? I missed you! :D Well yesterday was my birthday :O Whooo a year older!
Anyway I got a new phone (nokia Lumia 520 cyan)
Art stuff
Video games
and £20 xD
Whoop also lots of candy O-O LOTS of it. People sure wanted me to get fat xD
So it's Friday tomorrow :D FINNALY! Also I was Ill today :c
It's nearly Friday, Friday gotta get down on Thursday night. looking forward to Friday XD

Tuesday 21 January 2014

3 hours.

.3 hours until my birthday :D Whoop, getting some video games and art stuff XD
Happy birthday eve to me!

Monday 20 January 2014

Gerard Way xD

Fucking Gerard Way has to be the sexiest person alive (along with a few other people *cough* Kellin Quinn *couch*)